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ScyllaDB University LIVE, Fall 2022: From Getting Started to Expert Tips & Tricks

I’m happy to announce our next ScyllaDB University LIVE event, taking place on December 1, 2022. For those of you who are not familiar with it, ScyllaDB University LIVE is a free half-day virtual event, with instructor-led training sessions from our top ScyllaDB engineers and experts.


For the next ScyllaDB University LIVE, we will offer two parallel tracks – ScyllaDB Essentials and Advanced Topics. We’re excited to offer lots of new content, and even completely new sessions – especially in the Advanced track. You can bounce back and forth between tracks or drop in for any individual session that interests you.

Don’t miss out! Sessions are live, and there will not be an on-demand equivalent, so mark your calendars to attend the live event.


I’ll start by welcoming you on the Main stage. I’ll give a quick overview of the different sessions and what you can expect.

Aferwards, also on the Main stage, Tzach, our VP of Product, will talk about our latest release, ScyllaDB 5.1, new features, changes, and what’s on the roadmap.

Essentials Track Advanced  Track
Getting Started with ScyllaDB

Learn how ScyllaDB works, assess if it’s a good fit for your use case, and see what’s involved in spinning up your first cluster and running some basic queries.

Advanced Topics in ScyllaDB

Learn how to increase performance and efficiency by mastering the usage of collections, user-defined types, materialized views, secondary indexes, prepared statements, paging, retries, and more.

ScyllaDB Basics

This session is a “bootcamp” for getting started with ScyllaDB. It covers best practices for NoSQL data modeling, selecting the right compaction strategy for your workload type, selecting and working with drivers, and more.

Interactive Troubleshooting in ScyllaDB

This session shares the process that our experts use to diagnose and resolve emerging database issues. It will include (anonymized) real-world examples based on what we have seen working with ScyllaDB users.

Build Your First ScyllaDB-Powered App

This session is a hands-on demonstration of how to create a full-stack app powered by ScyllaDB Cloud.

Leveraging ScyllaDB’s DynamoDB API

This session is a hands-on demonstration of how to build a DynamoDB-compatible application that can be deployed wherever you want: on-premises or on any public cloud. It also covers an example of data migration and the different ways of performing it.

Following the training sessions, we will host an expert panel with special guests ready to answer your most pressing questions about NoSQL, ScyllaDB, and distributed data systems.

You’ll also be invited to complete quizzes, take our hands-on labs and receive certificates of completion (and exclusive ScyllaDB swag!).

Get Started on ScyllaDB University

We recommend that before the event, you complete the ScyllaDB Essentials course on ScyllaDB University to better understand ScyllaDB and how the technology works.

Hope to see you at ScyllaDB University LIVE!